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Mastermind CBSE Question Bank Class 10 Mathematics (Basic) 2024-25


Mastermind CBSE Question Bank Class 10 Mathematics 2024-25

Welcome to the ultimate resource for CBSE Class 10 Mathematics students gearing up for the 2024-25 board exams. The Mastermind CBSE Question Bank is meticulously crafted to enhance your preparation, offering a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to ensure you excel in your examinations.

Overview of the Question Bank

Designed by eminent authors and ex-paper setters, the Mastermind CBSE Question Bank Class 10 Mathematics 2024-25 is a complete guide to mastering the subject. It encompasses over 1700 chapterwise questions, aligned precisely with the NCERT textbook curriculum. Each question is strategically selected to cover every aspect of the syllabus, ensuring thorough preparation.

Key Features

Here’s what makes our CBSE Question Bank stand out:

1. Comprehensive Coverage

The question bank includes over 1700 questions categorized chapterwise. This structured approach allows students to focus on specific topics and grasp the nuances of each concept. Whether you’re tackling algebra, geometry, trigonometry, or statistics, our extensive collection ensures you’re well-prepared.

2. Mock Papers

To simulate the actual examination environment, we provide 4 mock papers. These papers are designed according to the latest CBSE exam pattern, offering valuable practice and insights into the types of questions likely to appear. They serve as an essential tool for assessing your readiness and refining your exam strategy.

3. Expert Answers and Toppers’ Insights

Gain valuable insights from expert answers and toppers’ responses. Understand the thought process behind solving complex problems and learn effective techniques to maximize your score. These insights are invaluable for refining your problem-solving skills and achieving excellence in your exams.

4. Digital Support and QR Codes

Access additional practice material and digital support through QR codes embedded within the question bank. These resources complement your learning, providing supplementary exercises, tutorials, and interactive content to reinforce key concepts. Our digital platform enhances flexibility and accessibility, catering to diverse learning styles.

5. Chapterwise Summaries

For efficient revision, each chapter is accompanied by a concise summary. These summaries highlight the essential points and formulas, aiding quick recollection and reinforcement of key concepts. They serve as handy reference guides during revision sessions, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.

6. Practice Material and Competency-Based Questions

Each chapter concludes with a dedicated set of practice tests. These chapter tests evaluate your understanding and proficiency in applying theoretical knowledge to solve problems. Additionally, the question bank features the latest solved typologies of competency-based questions, aligning with the evolving examination trends and requirements.

7. Knowledge Boosters, Tips, and Tricks

Enhance your exam preparedness with knowledge boosters, tips, and tricks curated by subject matter experts. These resources provide valuable strategies for tackling challenging questions, managing time effectively during exams, and avoiding common errors. Empower yourself with proven techniques to enhance your performance and confidence.

Long Description

Mastermind CBSE Question Bank Class 10 Mathematics 2024-25 is your comprehensive companion for excelling in the upcoming board exams. Developed by experienced authors and reviewed by ex-paper setters, this question bank is meticulously structured to meet the specific needs of CBSE Class 10 students.

Structured Learning Approach

The question bank is structured to facilitate systematic learning and thorough revision. With over 1700 chapterwise questions, students can delve into each topic methodically, ensuring a deep understanding of concepts. The questions are carefully selected to align with the NCERT textbook, covering all essential topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and more.

Simulated Exam Environment

Preparing for board exams requires more than just theoretical knowledge—it demands familiarity with the exam format and question types. To aid in this preparation, Mastermind CBSE Question Bank provides 4 mock papers. These mock papers are designed according to the latest CBSE examination pattern, reflecting the structure, difficulty level, and distribution of marks as per the board’s guidelines. By attempting these papers, students can gauge their readiness, identify areas needing improvement, and refine their exam strategy.

Insights from Experts and Toppers

Understanding how to approach different types of questions is crucial for scoring well. To assist students in this aspect, the question bank includes expert answers and insights from previous toppers. These insights provide clarity on problem-solving techniques, effective strategies, and common pitfalls to avoid. By studying these responses, students gain a deeper insight into the application of concepts and develop confidence in their problem-solving abilities.

Digital Resources and Flexibility

In today’s digital age, learning extends beyond textbooks. Mastermind CBSE Question Bank embraces digital learning by incorporating QR codes throughout the material. These QR codes link to additional practice resources, video tutorials, and interactive content. This digital support enhances accessibility and accommodates diverse learning preferences, allowing students to reinforce their understanding through multimedia tools.

Effective Revision Tools

To facilitate efficient revision, each chapter is accompanied by a succinct summary. These summaries encapsulate the key concepts, formulas, and problem-solving strategies covered in the chapter. They serve as quick reference guides during revision sessions, enabling students to consolidate their knowledge swiftly and effectively.

Practice Material and Competency-Based Questions

Assessment is integral to learning progress. At the end of each chapter, students can test their understanding with dedicated practice tests. These chapter tests encompass a variety of question types, including the latest competency-based formats. By practicing these questions, students not only reinforce their conceptual understanding but also familiarize themselves with the diverse formats in which questions may appear in the board exams.

Enhancing Exam Preparedness

Mastermind CBSE Question Bank goes beyond providing questions and answers—it equips students with valuable knowledge boosters, tips, and tricks. These resources are curated to enhance exam preparedness by offering strategic insights into exam strategies, time management techniques, and effective study habits. By implementing these strategies, students can optimize their preparation and approach the exams with confidence.


Mastermind CBSE Question Bank Class 10 Mathematics 2024-25 is more than just a study aid—it’s a comprehensive tool designed to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in their board exams. With its extensive collection of chapterwise questions, mock papers, expert insights, and digital resources, this question bank sets a new standard in exam preparation. Whether you’re aiming to strengthen your foundation or aiming for the top score, our question bank is your ultimate guide to success.

Prepare effectively, practice diligently, and conquer the CBSE Class 10 Mathematics exams with Mastermind CBSE Question Bank!

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