Sir Kailash chandra Shorthand Transcriptions (Volume 4 and 5)
Sir Kailash chandra Shorthand Transcriptions (Volume 4 and 5)
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Shorthand Transcriptions’ is an effort to enable students achieve their full potential in taking dictations at high speeds with a great deal of precision and proficiency, and, in the process, help them become an ace shorthand-writer.
This book is a compilation of meticulously and judiciously culled-out passages from Parliamentary/Constituent Assembly debates, which are in the public domain.
The passages are sagaciously edited and the proper nouns, wherever they occurred, have either been changed or deleted ONLY with a view to developing the flow of passages for the purpose of shorthand writing.
In addition to providing quality shorthand material in the form of parliamentary debates, an effort has also been made through this book to provide some amount of legal matters to help students grow as versatile shorthand-writer.